photoI wanted to give a brief update on Brihanu.  Since my last update, we have been to the specialized TB hospital twice, the largest hospital in Addis twice, one clinic and one medium size hospital.  All of this in the past 2 days.  I have a special tan going on my left arm from all the driving.  Anybody that has been in Addis can appreciate the traffic here.  If you are not familiar, just imagine Chicago or any major sity traffic, only there are no specific lanes or rules, necessarily, while dodging people, animals and potholes.  Brihanu thinks the rides are fun…and so that keeps it more fun.   Once again, the patience here is unbelievable.  Most of the time, my white skin is usually more of a burden.  But I have been able to use it to our advantage to often get to the front of the line.  While of course I feel bad for the others that are waiting, I just look at Brihanu and Almaz’s (mom) sweet faces and I can justify going to put my paper first.

The best news I have from all of this running around is that the neurosurgeon consult (which they told us we had to have before getting medication) said no surgery.  Whew.  I was praying for that.  A little tiny guy like him—draining this fluid from the absess on his spine—just didn’t want to have to go that route unless somebody said we really had to!  So to make a long story short…daily injections must be given for the first 2 months of treatment.  The clinics that can give these injections in our area are currently out of stock.  Mind you, this just happens here, I have been told.  So, the other option is for Brihanu to stay at the TB hospital for these 2 months.  So we will try this on Monday morning.  It is not like the states, where you get 24 hr care.  A family member needs to stay with the child.  But services and food are only provided to the child.  So mom has to go out (this place is about an hour give or take from her home) and get her own food.  And of course there is the issue of the dad.  He will be at home this entire time.  He is blind.  So Almaz told us that she will ask the neighbors to help him while they are gone.  So we will bring him to visit when we go to see them at the hospital.  A generous friend of the center will be donating the funds so mom can go out and buy food for herself for the next 2 months and we will pack up extra clothes, toys and diapers from the center to go along with them on Monday.  Not quite sure where mom sleeps there, since all I saw were toddler/baby beds.  So it will be interesting to find these things out on Monday.


Brihanu does not usually like anybody but his mom to carry him, but she gets so worn out carrying him, we try to help out.  He is most comfortable with Masresha.  I think we may have the most patient, caring social worker here!  Very blessed.  Please continue to pray for the entire family.  We are surely on our way to great treatment here.

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