by Getinet Teferi | Dec 27, 2013 | Hospice Care, Strong Hearts
As I approach the finally week of my stay in Ethiopia, I can’t help but feel a bit melancholy! My heart is torn between going home to family and friends and leaving behind the patients I have grown to love. I have been here 5 weeks now and have one week left. It...
by Bridget Sullivan | Nov 2, 2013 | Family Care Center, Strong Hearts
It is hard to believe that we have been up and running now for almost 2 months! The first couple weeks were a bit hectic with little ones away from their moms or grandmas for the first time. But after a week or two, they were fine! Still some tears at drop off, but...
by admin | Oct 31, 2013 | Family Care Center, Strong Hearts
When I was asked to help out in the daycare program two weeks ago, I was quite apprehensive. Honestly, having never been the babysitter-type, I was dreading it. I agreed to this knowing that anyone can survive almost anything for two weeks. I am here to serve where...
by admin | Sep 27, 2013 | Strong Hearts
During my initial meeting with the Director of Strong Hearts, one of the first questions asked of me was “Do you love Jesus?” Never have I been asked that during an interview, and I must say, it was both startling and refreshing. As I’ve begun volunteering in the...
by admin | Sep 17, 2013 | Hospice Care, Strong Hearts
Kasech has been a patient of the hospice program for over one year. Over this time she has been fighting through the stages of HIV and TB. At this time she is bedridden once again, and because of this cannot work. Her daughter, Slameweyt, has been forced to take over...
by Bridget Sullivan | Sep 14, 2013 | Family Care Center, Strong Hearts
Well…the day we have been waiting for has happened! The Strong Families Care Center is officially open! Whoah! We had months of preparing, hiring staff, screened almost 200 families for 40 open slots and now we have started! So how was the first day? That may be...