We are very pleased to inform you that we have come to an agreement on a five year extension with our ministry partner (Strong Hearts) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This agreement will ensure our continued impact to the widows and orphans that live in the Korah neighborhood (city dump area of Addis Ababa). The long term agreement is a direct expression of your past support and future commitments.
As we reflect back on the ministry, this started with an idea of a Christ-centered program in an impoverished area in support of widows and many fatherless children (orphan prevention). After much time sharing ideas and thoughtful prayer, God led with direction and grace in establishing the Strong Families Care Center, in support of 40 families in Addis Ababa. In just three years this has grown from an idea to a fully functioning care center with 19 staff. Personal testimonies from moms who would otherwise have had to put their children into orphanages, baptisms for some who accepted Christ for what has been done here in Christ’s name, and recognition by the Ethiopian government as the best care center in Addis Ababa within a city of four million people, are a few of the accomplishments we have made to date.
Going forward with the new agreement and with the center established, we are now focused on a long term vision for the ministry. We have grown to 45 families in the program at this time. This is our current limit with the government, but that does not limit our outreach. Our ministry partner in Ethiopia is looking to create another center in a different part of Ethiopia based on what we have established. While we cannot financially support that effort, due to being fiscally responsible with your donations to ensure the long term success of our care center, we are providing the guidance on how to establish that effort by how we run and finance our ministry. If other church partners come alongside us, we may be able to help fund an expansion effort at a later date, but our focus is to maintain the long term viability and community impact that the Christ Church Strong Families Ministry is providing.
Spring team bringing Christ's love, needed supplies and medical and dental help.
Keeping families together.
Check ups by one of our doctors on our medical team.
Another way we our making an impact is through our annual mission team trips. We bring in much needed supplies and support to those on the ground through donations, medical team work, and monitor the care center to ensure it is being run properly and provide guidance on how to improve things where needed. If you haven’t been to Addis to witness the operation first hand, we strongly encourage you to make that trip and see the families that you are touching through your support.
Lastly, as we continue to move forward with the care center, we want you to know that there are opportunities to get involved. This is an open ministry and you can be as involved as time allows for you. Volunteer opportunities include inventorying the mission team donations (annual event), special events (two or three times a year), or communication needs (monthly or quarterly).
If you have questions regarding the ministry, interested in the mission trip, or helping with your time and talents, please contact us at 262-416-4177, or email at: [email protected]
Thanks again, with God’s direction and your support, we have come a long way and the future looks great.