by Bridget Sullivan | Dec 30, 2014 | Family Care Center
We are so thankful for all the families we serve here, as we look back at our last year. We were able to welcome 3 new families into the center recently. We had a set of older twin boys that have now moved onto a preschool program closer to their home and easier for...
by Bridget Sullivan | Oct 11, 2014 | Family Care Center
Strong Hearts Family Care Center October 2014 Update We have been back for about 2 months now, since leaving Addis for a couple months this summer. The center looked great when we came back! We have great confidence in the staff here, but it is hard to not play the...
by Bridget Sullivan | Apr 2, 2014 | Family Care Center
Thank you for continuing to pray for Brihanu! This is a picture of him all tucked in his new bed at the local TB hospital. Mom will stay with him for the next 2 months of treatment. He will receive daily injections and nutritional supplement on this road to a...
by Bridget Sullivan | Mar 29, 2014 | Family Care Center
I wanted to give a brief update on Brihanu. Since my last update, we have been to the specialized TB hospital twice, the largest hospital in Addis twice, one clinic and one medium size hospital. All of this in the past 2 days. I have a special tan going on my left...
by Bridget Sullivan | Mar 26, 2014 | Family Care Center
We are asking for prayers for our newest family in our care center. His name is Brihanu. He is 1 yr and 3 months old. He came into our program a bit over a month ago. He certainly looks smaller than his age and we knew he needed to be “plumped up”, but so many...