Debre is fifty one years old. She came to addis from the countryside region of Gojam when she was ten years old. She is in stage four at this time, and is bedridden. Last August Debre learned that she had ovarian cancer. The doctors did biopsies and other tests that showed the cancer has already metastasized to many organs in her body. They were not able to remove the present tumors and sent her home. There is much accumulation of fluid in her abdomen, back, and peritonea. She suffers with extreme pain and discomfort, including shortness of breath from the fluid. She is taking morphine four times a day for pain. Debre worked before she got sick, but is now unable to leave her home and is dependent. Now her husband and twenty five year old daughter work to support their family. Debre is our newest patient, only having been with strong hearts for two months. Strong Hearts provides her with groceries monthly and other needs periodically. The Hospice team visit Debre everyday in her home to evaluate her physical state and encourage her spiritually, psychologically and emotionally.